Until the contruction of the airport of Ciudad Real, all other airports and heliports in Spain have depended on the Ministry of Public Works through AENA, public airports are managed by AENA.

The evolution of marshallers and the rest of jobs has been remarkable both in its functions, which will be discussed later, as of the selection process, in which we will also discuss later.
To begin with we will say that to get to work in AENA must then pass an "open competition/opposition" for any of their jobs. Among the opposition in Spain, have always been of the less numerous, although not requiring the coofficial languages such as Catalan, Basque or Galician. Less numerous compared to Health, Municipalities, Provincial, etc ...
At least have a high school diploma and driver's license. Besides being older than 18 and a citizen of the European Union.
Although has also changed, this is the last content:
- An "agenda" that talks about what an airport and how it works, both in relation to a passenger, to an aircraft:
- The terminal, both passenger and cargo
- The area of movement: the apron and maneuvering area (runways and taxiways). The physical characteristics of each, signaling and lighting, etc.. Instrumental aids, visual aids, etc..
- Different stands and their characteristics.
- An "aeronautical phraseology" that is also summarized and the introduction states: "The communications procedures contained in the tenth book, agree with Volume II of Annex 10 of ICAO, Aeronautical, and pilots, staff ATS and other ground staff must know thoroughly radiotelephone procedures contained therein. "
- Moreover, figure "Appendix C", which refers to: Signs of relief and urgency signals in case of interception, traffic signals for aerodrome visual ground signals, signals to maneuver on land search and rescue signals and Service signals AFIS.
- Measurements of different aircraft: From an ATR-42 or DASH-8, B747 or A380 up.
- A decree ordered in all competitions in Spain include:
- Equality Act (Organic Law 3/2007, March 22)
- Law on Protection against Domestic Violence (Law 1/2004, of 28 December)
Although this has evoluionado far today announces the exam at least marked in advance by law and is a test type for all the content, including language and signals.
Right now, because of the crisis, almost all contracts are paralyzed and no selection process underway. The company AENA, which manages the airports, is in an ERE (Record of Employment Regulation in Spanish) with restructured (some "voluntary layoffs") and privatization process.
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